Thursday, August 25, 2011

School Starting Fall 2011

It's that time of year again as students hustle and bustle like bees back on to campus. Frankly, I love the positive energy and excitement in the air. It's rather contagious. :)

Classes are very interesting so far, Artificial Intelligence and Bioinformatics being my favorite to attend. The engaging and enlightening discussions make the hour past by much more swiftly. In fact, I had a good laugh in my Bioinformatics class the other day that I'd like to share. 

Now Bioinformatics is a class that analyzes DNA and protein structure using computer science. My professor was in the middle of his discussion about DNA and how each parent contributes 23 chromosomes to their offspring. The last chromosome being the XY chromosome that determines the gender: XX for female and XY for male. 

A student in the back raised his hand and asks, "Is there any chance you can get a YY permutation?" Of course the entire class immediately argued that the female can only give an X, whereas the male can give either an X or a Y. My professor ponders and said... "No, well except... ah never mind..." he laughed it off.

'Unless what?', I thought. Then I started to laugh. A few of the other classmates caught on with the implication and laughed along with me realizing that he was referring to two gay men. Yes, we're childish, don't judge. :P

The professor then continues on with his lecture. "Now when there are more or less than 46 chromosomes, we get mutations like Down Syndrome. Of course mutations can be desirable, but most likely they are not," he stated. At this moment, the same student choose to raise his hand and asked, "Would you happen to know what mutation is necessary to obtain the X-MEN Syndrome?" That rallied a round of laughter from the class.

The professor played along and said, "If I tell you... I'm afraid I'll have to kill you. That information is classified." 

"So you do not deny the existence of the X-MEN formula?" He teased.

Class was then shortly over. Everyone came up and high fived our "class clown" for the entertaining conversation. 

I'm hoping the rest of the semester will be this enjoyable. :)

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